Ice Surfers - Wall Street Journal
GOP Gun Raffle - NY Times and American Photography Book Selection
In The Hills for Smithsonian Magazine
Flyover - Personal Project
Ice Fishing for Popular Mechanics
Flyover - Personal Project
The Final Edition for The New York Times
Abdi - The Wall Street Journal
Food Supply Chain - Personal Project
Talent Competition at Miss Universe
Meals on Wheels for The New York Times
Flyover - Personal Project
Midwest Politics
Cheer Team
Grandmas Against the NRA for The New York Times
Midwest Politics for The New York Times
Duluth, Minnesota for The Wall Street Journal
Neighbor - Personal Project
Frozen Speed - Personal Proejct American Photography Book Selection
Midwest Politics
Line3 Protest for The New York Times
The Disappearance of Jayme Kloss for The New York Times
Food Supply Chain - Personal Project
Midwest Politics for The New York Times
The Iron Range - The New York Times
Midwest Politics
Midwest Politics - Bloomberg Businessweek
Flyover - Personal Project
Flyover - Personal Project

Small Town Mayor for The New York Times
Flyover - Personal Project
Gold Diggers - Personal Project
The Iron Range for The New York Times
Midwest Politics for The New York Times